Trimethylbenzoyl Diphenylphosphine Oxide (TPO) added to SVHC Candidate List
Trimethylbenzoyl Diphenylphosphine Oxide (TPO) added to ECHA's SVHC Candidate List

Date of publication: 14/06/2023

On 14 June 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that Trimethylbenzoyl Diphenylphosphine Oxide (TPO) (CAS 75980-60-8), a cosmetic ingredient used as photo-initiator in artificial nail systems, had been added to the SVHC Candidate List.


The REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Candidate List is a list of substances that have been identified as being of very high concern for human health or the environment.


On 14 June 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that Trimethylbenzoyl Diphenylphosphine Oxide (TPO) (CAS 75980-60-8), a cosmetic ingredient used as photo-initiator in artificial nail systems had been added to the REACH Candidate List, which now contains 235 entries.

Currently, TPO is listed in Annex III/311 to the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 and may be used in artificial nail systems up to 5% (for professional use only), and the label shall bear the warning “For professional use only. Avoid skin contact. Read directions for use carefully”.

TPO has been linked to reproductive toxicity (Repr cat. 2). Sweden has proposed a Repr 1B classification, which ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) supports, but an official harmonized classification has not yet been published. It is expected to be included in the 21 ATP published in Oct-Nov 2023, with no transition period.


Under REACH, companies have legal obligations when their substance is included – either on its own, in mixtures or in articles – in the Candidate List

Suppliers of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % (weight by weight) have to give their customers and consumers information to be able to use them safely. Consumers have the right to ask suppliers whether the products they buy contain substances of very high concern.

Importers and producers of articles will have to notify ECHA if their article contains a Candidate List substance within six months from the date it has been included in the list (14 June 2023). Suppliers of substances on the Candidate List, supplied either on their own or in mixtures, have to provide their customers with a safety data sheet.

Under the Waste Framework Directive, companies also have to notify ECHA if the articles they produce contain substances of very high concern in a concentration above 0.1 % (weight by weight). This notification is published in ECHA’s database of substances of concern in products (SCIP).

The inclusion of substances in the Candidate list does not necessarily mean that they will be included in the REACH Authorization list (Annex XIV). However, it indicates that these substances are being closely monitored and may be subject to further regulatory action in the future, such as restriction or even a ban.


European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adds two hazardous chemicals to Candidate List, 14 June 2023


French Anti-Waste Law – Impact in Cosmetics Packaging and Labelling


Date of application: 01/01/2023, with a transition period until 09/03/2023 for packaging produced or imported before 09/09/2022.

The Loi relative à la lute contre le gaspillage et a l’économie circulaire (Anti-Waste for a circular economy) has come officially into force in France in 2020. From January 2023 the requirements of the law became mandatory, including specific symbols on the packaging or labelling of cosmetic products.

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Regulation (EU) 2022/1531 – OMNIBUS ACT V – applicable as of 17 December 2022


Date of publication: 15/09/2022

Date of application: 17/12/2022

The European Commission has published the Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1531, which amends the Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 as regards the use in cosmetic products of certain substances classified as CMR, by adding new entries to Annex II and Annex III and revising an entry in Annex V.

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SCCS Revision of the Scientific Opinion on Vitamin A


Date of publication: 25/10/2022

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has issued a final version of the Scientific Opinion on Vitamin A, concluding that exposure to Vitamin A derived from cosmetics can be a concern for higher exposure consumers, and since cosmetics alone do not exceed the upper limit the SCCS cannot suggest maximum concentration limits that take into account contributions from other sources.

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Italy and France – Environmental Labelling of Cosmetic Products


Date of application:01/01/2023

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