Resorcinol not identified as a Substance of Very High Concern under REACH
Ingredients: RESORCINOL

The European Commission has shelved its plan to identify resorcinol as an endocrine disrupting SVHC under REACH Regulation.

Resorcinol (EC 203-585-2; CAS 108-46-3) is used to manufacture rubber compounds, resins and coatings, as well as cosmetics mainly as hair dyeing.

In February 2020, France submitted a dossier to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the identification of resorcinol as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) because of its thyroid disrupting effects in humans and potential neurodevelopmental effects during pregnancy.

In June 2020, a majority of members in the Member State Committee of the Agency (MSC) considered that resorcinol should be identified as an SVHC. However, the MSC did not reach a unanimous agreement. 

After several unsuccessful attempts over 18 months, amid doubts about the scientific evidence behind the Commission’s draft Regulation, the Commission has shelved its plan to identify resorcinol as an endocrine disrupting SVHC under REACH Regulation, after the Commission’s amended proposal for SVHC identification failed to secure EU Member-State approval at a meeting in December 2022.

The European Commission will wait for new CLP hazard classes to enter into force before potentially tabling another proposal for the classification of resorcinol as SVHC.


1. European Commission Implementing Decision on the identification of resorcinol as a substance of very high concern pursuant to Article 57, point (f), of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council


Italy and France – Environmental Labelling of Cosmetic Products


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French Anti-Waste Law – Impact in Cosmetics Packaging and Labelling


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Regulation (EU) 2022/1531 – OMNIBUS ACT V – applicable as of 17 December 2022


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Date of application: 17/12/2022

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