SCCS issues Final Opinion on Silver Zinc Zeolite
Ingredients: ALUMINIUM

Date of publication: 14/12/2023

On December 14 2023, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published the Preliminay Opinion on the use of aluminium in cosmetic products. The deadline for comments is set to February 16, 2024.


Silver Zinc Zeolite (SZZ) (CAS No. 130328-20-0, EC No. 603-404-0) with INCI name ‘Ammonium Silver Zinc Aluminium Silicate’ is included in the European database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients (CosIng) with the reported functions of ‘absorbent’, ‘deodorant’ and ‘preservative’. 

In December 2015, the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of European Chemical Agency (ECHA) issued an opinion recommending a ‘Toxic for reproduction Category 2’ classification (i.e. suspected of damaging the unborn) for Silver Zinc Zeolite. 

In May 2017, the Commission Regulation No. 2017/7762 amended – for its adaptation to technical and scientific progress – Regulation No. 1272/2008 on classification, labelling, and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation). In particular, a new entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation was added for ‘Silver Zinc Zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions) [This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0,5%-6%, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2+ and/or Ca2+ each at level <3%]’. 

In May 2019, the Commission Regulation No. 2019/831 amended Annexes II, III, and V to Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 (Cosmetics Regulation) following the provisions of Article 15 on CMR substances and the substance Silver Zinc Zeolite was added in entry 1597 of Annex II as a prohibited substance in cosmetic products

In August 2020, the European Commission received a dossier submission by the industry to support the safety assessment of Silver Zinc Zeolite as a preservative in cosmetic products, in particular in spray deodorant and powder foundation. 

In light of the information provided, the Commission requested the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) to carry out a safety assessment on Silver Zinc Zeolite when used as a preservative in cosmetic products. 


Following the preliminary opinion on April 4, 2023, the SCCS published its final opinion and scientific advice on the use of Silver Zinc Ziolite in cosmetics. 

The SCCS considers that Silver Zinc Zeolite incorporating a maximum silver content of 2.5% is safe in spray deodorant and powder foundation when used at the proposed concentration of 1%. These conclusions are aligned with the ones presented in the preliminary opinion on April 4, 2023. 


Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety Opinion on silver zinc zeolite (CAS No. 130328-20- 0, EC No. 603-404-0), preliminary version of 21 March 2023, final version of 21 December 2023, SCCS/1650/23


Italy and France – Environmental Labelling of Cosmetic Products


Date of application:01/01/2023

Although the European Cosmetics Regulation is applicable to every cosmetic product made available in the European Union market, some national legislations may also apply. Environmental regulations in Italy and France specify mandatory labelling requirements applicable to packaged products marketed in these countries.

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SCCS Final Opinion on the Safety of Triclocarban and Triclosan


Date of publication: 25/10/2022

During the plenary meeting on 24-25 October 2022, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) presented its final opinion on the safety of Triclocarban and Triclosan as substances with potential endocrine disrupting properties in cosmetic products.

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SCCS Preliminary Opinion on Sodium Bromothymol Blue (C186) as hair dyeing


Date of publication: 28/10/2022

Following the request from the EU Commission for a scientific opinion on the hair dye Sodium Bromothymol Blue (C186), on October 2022 the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) issued a preliminary opinion. In light of the data provided, when used in non-oxidative hair colouring products up to a maximum on-head concentration of 0.5%, the SCCS is of the opinion that the complete safety of Sodium Bromothymol Blue could not be assessed.

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UK Responsible Person Labelling Deadline Extension


Date of application: 31/12/2025

The UK Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) have reviewed the requirement to label the product with the UK Responsible Person and have decided to extend this transitional provision for a total period of five years, until 31 December 2025.

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